Okay so the picture quality is horrible but the apartment has like no light (depressing!) and I didn't bother to go through the hassle of setting my strobes up. I so wish I could afford an external flash. Strobes from E-Bay = Crap. I wouldn't have had time to set them up anyway..she jumped out of bed and went to work. I told her the night before the Easter Bunny was coming and was going to hide some eggs and she can find them in the morning. She said, "bunny? ... where?", lol. Well she must have remembered because she jumped out of bed the next morning and instantly looked for eggs. She had a blast and really got into it. She had a great day. She hunted eggs at my moms as well. Oh and how did I almost forget the best part...after she was done with everything she came over, sat on my lap and said "thanks mum" and I didn't even ask her to. :).jpg)

More anamalz for the collection. We'll have them all eventually. Best things ever! She loves them.
Bilibo so far has been okay. I was iffy on getting it, not knowing if she'd like it. On a scale from 1-10 I'd give it a 7. I think as she gets a lil older it'll become more fun. I try to spin her in but she falls out, lol. Tipsy. I wanna get the minis though for the beach, tub and/or whatever. :)
Yes, it's a Hannah Montanna top. Don't judge, lol. No, she doesn't match. I just grabbed two pieces for her to sleep in cause I couldn't find pj's. :P.JPG)
Headless Tehya. It was intentional, lol. I don't know though...with a better crop it'd be okay.
Some fun/photos with frozen fries. The only way to get a shot of her..even though they came out horrible. It's all she'd sit still for. The girl loves frozen fries. I did too as a kid.
Cute Pics! LOVE how you used the bilibo as the basket. Carolina has one and will play with it from time to time; But her little friend who is 3 LOVES it. So I think they will be more into it as they get older.
And if you ever consider throwing the apple gymboree leggings out, don't! I will buy them from you! lol I bought the whole apple line last year, all because I loved the apple leggings. Then our dog ATE the apple leggings! oooo, I was mad, had she eaten the red or navy I could have replaced them. Carolina still fits in the stuff from last fall, so every time I put on the shoes or anything, I glare at my dog, haha. Anyways, guess this is a long enough comment.....
hmmmm, sorry it posted twice...that's weird
Oh my gosh this post had me cracking up. Frozen fries?! Sounds yummy. I wish Maya at least liked to eat something weird but nope, she just doesn't like to eat. I love Tehyas dress! Want it! Where'd you get it? She is super cute discovering her Easter stuff and how sweet was that , how she thanked you. So wonderful :)
She loves frozen peas too! lol. :) Oh the dress is from the Children's Place. The only place I could find an Easter dress strangely enough.
Andrea - I found them nwt on E-Bay. I'd be more than happy to give them to you when she's outgrown them but you may be sick of waiting by then..unless a growth spurt occurs, lol. :)
Ebay! I never even thought of that. Just got done shopping :-) And I found them in 2T (along with the navy with apples too yea!). Her others were 18-24 mo., which still fits, but now she can were them well into the winter! Thanks!!
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