Monday, September 8, 2008

Oxford County Fair

We went to the fair yesterday. Wasn't as great as expected, they didn't have as many animals as I'd hoped. Last year Tehya loved the baby chicks, they didn't even have them there this time. Small state (boring I might add) and small town..guess you can't expect much around here.

(Off blog topic but..) Tehya is 20 months old today..what happened to my baby? I tried real hard to get a good (by my standards) picture for the 20 month milestone but I failed to do so. She just moves so much it's nearly impossible, lol. I'm a perfectionist and I get so upset by blurry pictures, red eye, and badly posed ones (I do like candid though!). I want so bad to learn manual settings, point and shoot just doesn't do it's justice anymore. Well here's some (by some, I mean a lot) fair pics. The quality isn't great but oh well.

Horse Races

I want a cow! Isn't he/she cute?!?


Typical. Trying to climb in. Not surprised, lol.

Not amused.

She was a chicken, wanted to get off so we resorted to a bunch.


Fries. We were hungry and couldn't wait until we got home.

See my post titled "Phil Stacy" for the rest of the days status.

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