Sipping water, her favorite beverage. :)

Pickle eater. Yummy.
Just being the monkey that she is. I swear she is going to be a gymnast..you should see the things she does, lol. :) She is very flexible, great balance, great jumping height,and she loves it. Oh and she can hang from things and swing from it....I'll dedicate a blog to her "gymnast" abilities soon.

Walking some trails. It was sooo buggy! I hate bugs that bite and make you itch! And spiders! That's my mom in the pic with Tehya.
Back at my moms house. "Dubba's" truck. AKA Grampa. She loves herself. Really.

Colorful. Still sporting and loving babylegs.

Tree elf? lol. It's what she reminds me of here. :) Got her good ol' snack ball. People swear by those snack catchers, but we love the boon ball WAY better. It could be a lil' bigger but otherwise we love it. Got one in each color. The snack catchers are hard to get the snacks out and Tehya's hand gets stuck and food goes flying if we can even get it out. So Boon it is. :) We love all their products. My goofy girl. :P

She's obsessed with this wind up "at-a-pellar" (Caterpillar).

Girl has no fear. Not in this particular picture but she kept sliding down the biggest slide (which is really big) over and over again, head first!

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