I've been really lazy and posting mostly my flickr photos even though I have tons more. It's just easier..flickr is SO easy to post and when I upload from pc it takes forever, they go out of order, the make my paragraphs get ridiculously spaced, ugh. So I'm cheating, just posting flickr photos in this post, lol.
I already posted her 2 1/2 year post so a few of these photos I have back tracked a lil, oh well.

Getting ready to go for a walk.

Book Worm. LOVES books So much. This isn't even close to a fourth of the amount of the books she owns, these just happened to be the ones I had packed away in a bag that she found.

We Love Hello Kitty, we got Hello Kitty coloring books, Hello Kitty Crayons, Hello Kitty Board Books, Hello Kitty states and world, HK miscellaneous and plush...all of it. :) Girls loves to color.

Speaking of kitties, she playing with the neighbors cat here with some funky necklace she found from somewhere, lol. The watch is my moms, Tehya likes wear it and calls it a "minute" instead of a watch. Those are her socks with soles, kinda goofy but convenient and she likes them. I didn't intend on her wearing them outside, which I guess is fine, but she got her way and went out. We just got back from walking here.

Took advantage for a couple pictures while out there.