Tuesday, November 18, 2008

She's mad!

"I'm mad" she says. She told me that today, several times, lol. I'm mad too, it's after 4 and she hasn't napped! She's mad cause she don't want to nap.

Sidenote: Her hair drives me nuts in her face. It's usually up or styled back but not this time, lol. It's not even combed, lol.


Erin said...

Hahaha, that's the cutest thing ever!

Jennifer said...

So funny! I didn't even see this before I posted my angry no nap baby! This is soooo cute!! At least she isn't screeching and whining, ugh, drives me nuts the way Maya fake cries!!

Michelle said...

Oh trust me Bailey's hair is very often chaotic!! ;-)

mrs_o said...

LOL! Oh I love those non nap days!

Michelle said...

Yup, I'm 21 weeks!