She loves to spin in this chair!
Favorite place sit, on top of the back of the couch...
Watching her 1st year video.
She meant to say Bubba (my moms dog name) but it came out as dubba dubba, lol.
Notice pants, they were to her ankles now they are Capri's, lol. Shh don't tell no one that they aren't supposed to be like that.
"Brrr" and "Shoe"
Everything after ^^^^ those days she was sick.
"real" Tea Party. Anything to make the sick girl forget she's sick.
"bubba" Yelling at Bubba cause he's barking. And then, shhh.
Doesn't this make you sad, so sick. She's a booger eater too.
Watching TV.
A brief non sick moment.
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