Thursday, January 22, 2009

restless nights

So the past week Tehya has the weird habit of getting out of bed, and then falling back asleep half under the couch. She gets up, goes and lays her naked body on the cold kitchen floor, stays there like 5 mins, comes in the living room and wiggles around on the living floor and usually it ends she falls asleep half under the couch. 4-5x this week she did this.

She been really restless lately as well. I did check her mouth, she has her two bottom 2nd yr molars that have broke through. She has no symptoms of teething..she always was a good teether..only out of the ordinary thing is restless nights.






Thursday, January 15, 2009


She loves play dough. She has a play dough session at least 3-5 times a day upon her request.

This cracks me up, was she pointing at the fridge, I can't remember what she said but she wanted some pepperonis to snack on.

Always SO concerned where her daddy is and she's at the stage where she cries and pouts when he leaves. She protests his leaving for work now. This is actually a moment she wasn't upset about it but was asking where he went. also notice how jumpy she is, everything scares her.

She tries to act like a dog like all the time. She dump stuff just so she can lap it up or get on her hands and knees and eat.


She could be a waitress, lol. She also ALWAYS stacks everything on her plate when she is done eating.

back in December.... (stacking)

Ok this seriously has been her favorite toy since she was like 6 months old. She was looks like she's crying, lol.


She has serious sleep issues. So restless lately. She crashed on the floor here almost 2AM.

Loves using the computer, she "types" and controls the mouse, lol. She demanded to wear her babylegs.

She so into pretending and her tea parties have progressed into dress up. I'd share pics but they came out horrible and fuzzy. She goes through the clean laundry and wears everyone's clothes, including wearing my underwear over her diaper. She always had a shoe fetish, that started over a year ago. :)
She's so sincere and caring. Her little girly "oh no's" and "uh oh's". She was watching Ice Age and she's all like..."oh no...uh oh...don't fall......okay okay?". She sees the moon and says "careful..don't fall". She's a sweetie. She really thinks it's gonna fall..poor thing.

Monday, January 12, 2009

la la lala la la

At times she can keep a beat, and be in tune, lol. I heard her lala-ing so I peeked in on her. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tehya's 2nd Birthday

I still can't believe it, she's two. I guess it hasn't sank it cause it just don't seem right. My baby is no longer a baby, she's a little girl. An amazing little girl. I'm so proud of her, she has grown so much and she's the smartest, funniest, best thing ever. Looking forward to more times with her, but sad it's happening so fast.

Throwing confetti. I even had fun throwing it. :) It's still on the floor, she can throw it all tomorrow too before I break down and clean it up. She had a blast with that and balloons. I didn't get a lot of gifts, I made up for it in balloons. I bet she preferred it that way.

This mouse, LOVE. Tehya does too, lol. Soon as she saw it, she hopped on and scooted around.

TONS of balloons up there. Here, there and everywhere.

Picking off confetti, she didn't like it sticking to her feet either.

She thinks it's ice cream. Shhh. :)

My famous "cake". Tehya don't like cake and neither do I. We had this instead. Shells filled with Whip Cream, and topped with ice cream sprinkles. Fruit on the side. We didn't like the "cake" shells either...whip cream and fruit was yummy, lol.
(cake photo is clickable)

I love this. This girl, she makes SOO many different expressions, it's just crazy cute, lol. I've only captured a couple in this set of pics though.

EVERY time anyone sang Happy Birthday she'd say "stop it!".

How she eats "getti".
Watching Grammy brush her teeth.

Okay so she thinks this is a ride on toy, she rides it like a horse all over creation.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Look

The famous look. She was really annoyed with me. I was tying to take her picture and she's always a tough subject, she won't be still or look at ya for anything, lol. I'm like hey, she can't peddle her bike on rug so I put her on her bike and take a quick a shot, I know I know mean mommy. Well I propped her on the bike and so she wanted me to help her peddle and I' like just a second, I want to take your picture first and she gave me this awful mad face and stared at me without moving a muscle for several minutes as if she thinking, "okay mum, take the darn pic and hurry up". You probably had to be there but it was so funny....Tehya didn't think so though.

this photo is clickable and will bring you to my photostream. :)


Just moments before she got annoyed.


Later, not mad anymore, lol.

Next morning video, thought I'd add it in, it's cute. She does a funny eye thing whenever she spins.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Moments before 2009.


12AM LAST year.

(3 new blogs below this one)

No No Yes Yes

Pretending to sleep.

Loving her baby.

She LOVES that Panda Bear AND sitting in boxes.

Notice panda stuck in middle of instruments.

No No Yes Yes, Tehya and her daddy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
