Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 quick review

*will edit in later* 6.2.12

Sunday, September 11, 2011

First Day of Pre-K

So yeah, today was Tehya's first day of school! I did want to homeschool (still might in the future) and wasn't even going to do pre-k even if we decided not to homeschool BUT with all the changes Tehya has been through the past few months, I thought school would be great for her to take her mind off things and I thought the routine would be great for her.

She did not want to wake up this morning. She usually wakes me up every morning but not this morning, took me a good 30 minutes to get her up. I had her clothes all picked out for her, new clothes, but she decided to wear an old shirt and an old pair of pants that look like they are now too small her. Oh well, if it makes her happy, lol.

Her dad met us here at home (the shelter) and the both of us walked her to school. I don't think she was nervous, if she was she didn't let on. She was fascinated watching the kids get off the bus at the school though. She got inside and was asked to put her backpack in her cubby and her folder in the basket, she seemed a little confused, and just more interested in going off with the other kids, but she got it after a few minutes. Then off to play with the kids and time for mom and dad to go. Will snapped away some classroom pictures, yay, and I took a couple at home. I can't wait to go pick her up at 3 to see how her day goes but she is very social and I bet she does great.

(pictures to be edited in later)

Will and I walked over to school to pick her up together, when Tehya walked out with her class she caught a glimpse of us and started running to us. Her teacher is yelling "Tehya, Tehya, Tehya, you need to come back", lol, she must have said something about us because I heard the teacher say something about her seeing us too but she has to wait, haha. Tehya was a little confused but she went back to her group. She rode on her dad's shoulders most the way home and he left after we got to the door. I have been asking about school but she hasn't told me a whole lot and I don't know whether to believe everything that she has told me, like supposedly she ate her entire lunch of a chicken sandwich "with salad on it", meaning lettuce but Tehya says salad. Maybe she did eat it all, but I highly doubt it, wish I knew. Her teacher didn't tell me anything when I went to pick her up other than "she had a good day". All that matters right now though is that she enjoyed it and she wants to go back, ha. :)

Oh, and Tehya is never sick but she came home with a runny nose and a cracked voice. I figured she would start getting sick more often but I didn't expect it on the FIRST day of school. Hopefully she recovers soon, she typically does. Despite waking up tired and having along busy day, she still didn't want to go to bed tonight, it was a struggle. I hope she starts sleeping better but I shouldn't complain because as you know, it used to be MUCH worse.

(pictures to edited in soon)