Monday, August 16, 2010

A Year Later :: August 16th 2010

Can you say blog slacker? Yup, that's me. I've not posted for a year, but have been meaning to for like ever. How'd a year pass so quickly? I was looking at my blog and realized my last blog was talking about August 16th of '09 and today being the 16th of '10, lol, I figured what the heck. I'm kind of sad I missed a year but better late than never, right? Also half my flickr photos are no longer visible on my posts..why is that? *sigh* Anyhoo..

This will be missing a lot of events sadly but I just wanted to get started so I have more initiative to keep going. Well little miss Tehya is 3 years and 7 months old. Here some some photos from the 2010, oldest to most recent...


3rd Birthday (January 7th)




Her and cousin Cody, a month younger than her.

May 12, 2010

july 30th 2010


Plus, while I'm here, playing a bit of catch up, I will add Tehya first haircut to the post. Her hair was literally touching her butt and was getting split ends so we decided it was time for the dreaded FIRST HAIRCUT. Tehya had her very first haircut (NO trims or anything in between) on June 30th 2010, at 3 years and 6 (almost 7) months old. Took lots of convincing of her dad to let her get it cut too. We were actually going go shorter but he chickened and and made her stop cutting, lol.

We cut a few inches, layered the back and the sides/bangs are bit shorter. Honestly I regret cutting it (but it needed to be cleaned up at least) and I regret layering it. BUT hair grows back and when it's long enough I will cut the layers out and have it all one long length again. I didn't get any good before pictures but here's the actual hair cutting and an after.

She was REALLY tired. She was up all night (yes she STILL has sleep issues, but that's another post) , and she had JUST falling asleep and I had to wake her up to take her to her appointment.

On the way to the salon
on way to cut hair

Hair cutting time. She was tired as you can tell and she always looks this serious tired or wide awake, lol. I kept asking, you like it?" or "you having fun?" and she kept telling me yes and that she liked it.
1st haircut
1st haircut
1st haircut
1st haircut
1st haircut
A little video, I didn't know how to put it right side up.

AFTER photo's..

Believe it or not, less than two months later it's pretty much touching her butt again. It grows fast! I'll have to update the length in my next post as well as more about Miss Tehya. A lot changes in a year! Until next time, I plan on updating at least once a month, hopefully more. My goal.

P.S I hate blogger. Spent way too much time fixing photos and videos and paragraphs. One of these reasons I don't like blogging often :(