Will be long and not that interesting, lol, but this was our day, Tehya's birthday.
So yesterday, January 7th at 1:01am my baby girl turned ONE years old! We didn't celebrate with a party, just a few gifts and cake with mommy and daddy. Here's our day..it was a busy one..
So yesterday, January 7th at 1:01am my baby girl turned ONE years old! We didn't celebrate with a party, just a few gifts and cake with mommy and daddy. Here's our day..it was a busy one..
We got up around 10-10:30 in the morning (we're night owls so we sleep a lil later) and I had a root canal to get to at 12:30..fun fun. So we rushed around and got ready to start Tehya's birthday off with a 30-45 minute drive to the dentist. I wasn't looking forward to the days travel because Tehya does not like riding or being in the car, not even for short trips. and I wernt looking forward to a root canal..especially on her birthday.

So we get to my appointment and I'm surprised that Tehya had a well ride. I get out of there earlier than planned..about 1:45 (I expected 2:30), and while I was in there Tehya's daddy gave her animal crackers, vanilla wafers, and fruit snacks to keep her happy and entertained. I guess he put it all to her, geesh! He also walked with her to the store to get her some orange juice, but I came out before he gave it to her.He tells me he got a parking ticket because he didn't put more money in the parking meter on time. So we get back in the car, strap Tehya in and she falls asleep about 5 minutes later. I guess her daddy really knocked her out, she never falls asleep that quickly and easily, especially in the car.
I decided to have him stop at the mall seems it was earlier than planned and we were somewhat in the area. So we went to the mall, he carried the sleeping girl around. I only ended up getting her a couple skirts from JC Penny and that's all. She woke up walking around the toy store, good timing, lol. On the way out of the mall we put her in those coin operated toys, we put her on the school bus, took a couple pictures. Her daddy had to hang on to her, she was a little to small for it. She nursed a few minutes in the car then back into her seat. I gave her some more fruit snacks to bribe her into her seat, lol. So now we were on our way home. I let her play with her boom-box and learning puppy to keep her entertained, she was very well behaved for her..acting all grown up already.
We got home at 3:50pm. Tehya got a little fuss the last 5 minutes, that's not too bad considering. Will (Tehyas daddy) had to be at his dads to take care of him from 4-8, Tehya and I were going with him this time.. Well we were going to be late so we called him and let him know. Tehya nursed again for just a few minutes, we gathered the cake pans, mix, plates, etc..we were going to make the cake over there. We packed up once again to get back in the car..AGAIN. I figured Tehya was going to have a screaming fit because she was getting fussy (can you blame her? Poor girl.) I still had to go to the store to get a princess crown and Tehya a birthday card. Late at getting it..I know, "sigh". Well the first store didn't have anything I wanted (Will stayed in the car w/ Tehya) so it was back to the car and to another store. Grr. My fault for waiting till the last minute. Well, I found what I wanted right off the bat, but stood in line for 10 freaking minutes for 2 little things.
We arrive at Will's dads at 4:45pm about. She went to say hi to her grandpa and then opened some b-day gifts from her grandma that were on the couch waiting for her. Both grandmothers on both sides had to work that day, and both on the night 3-11 shift. Tehya played a little, then I fed her some Gerber chicken stew and some mixed veggies. Finally it was getting late, around 6:30-7:30 we had a few minutes to make her cake. Well guess what? Will's mom's eggs were expired so Will drove back home to get a couple eggs, lol. He left, Tehya finished eating while he was out, he got back and he mixed and baked the cake. I decorated it after it was done. And this is the first cake I've ever done before. Tehya licked the frosting from the bowl after Will did the frosting and she loved it. Literally, like 3 minutes before I finished decorating the cake my poor girl fell asleep! She was tired! We put the cake in the fridge..I watched Sharkboy and Lava Girl while Will cleaned up, lol, Tehya slept in my arms. FINALLY around 9:45 (1 hour 45 minutes after we usually leave there) we were ready to go home! Yay! Tehya woke up as we were leaving. Tehya got a Tinkerbell Lantern for her b-day, she played with it on the ride home and she loved it.
We are home! Brandon stayed over, he got there as we pulled in. We came up stairs and settled in and everything. We gave Tehya her gift from mommy and daddy to open, a TY stuffed cat. White and fluffy, soo cute. And it looked real. Tehya loves loves loves cats so we figured she'd love it. She had her gift, we got her on video, she then played with her daddy while I got something to eat. The night went on and this girl finally fell asleep around 1-1:30am! Phew!

She didn't have cake on her b-day , but she finally had a piece today. She just played with it mostly, That's on video too, lol.
I just have to say, it was a long, crazy, hectic day and I'm soo proud of her! Very proud! She was such a good girl, never cried or got upset after being hauled here, there, and everywhere. I know she hates riding and she was just so well behaved, never once gave me a problem! She was good with her daddy too while they waited for me to get out of my appointment. Errands on top of errands...on her birthday, and she did well. I love her so much. One proud momma. I can't believe it, she's growing up!